Ministries & Health

We are drawn closer to Jesus as we find Spirit-led ways of ministering in our church and community.  Jesus First transforms our life, then He gives us opportunities to minister to the needs of others as He did, all to the Glory of our Father.


Small Group Bible Studies:  Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings

Wednesday Nights @ 6:30 pm

These Small Groups meet weekly to study, pray and build strong community within our Church.  They become the backbone of our Church, providing learning, support, encouragement,  friendship and fellowship  which is most vital to the  infrastructure of the Body of Christ in Independence.

Intercessory Prayer Ministry 

 Weekly, a group of up to 17 individuals meet together following Worship to pray for the Prayer Requests turned in for that Sabbath.   A list of these special needs for prayer are then distributed to the Prayer Team so they can continue to pray for these specific needs daily through the week.

Many Answered Prayers have resulted from the dedication of these Prayer Warriors.  We ask everyone to keep this Prayer Team in their prayers as well.

New - Larger Size Tracts with Larger Print from Amazing Facts - available in English & Spanish. To request tracts, contact 

Intercessory Prayer Ministry

Meets weekly following worship. This team prays daily for the needs of our congregation and for friends, family and national and world events.

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Homeless Ministry

Meets weekly following worship. We prepare snacks, water and in winter, gloves, hats, socks, scarves to help meet the needs of the homeless. We pray with them if allowed, then share bibles and tracts with them.

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Bible Correspondence School

Meets weekly following worship. First we pray for our New Bible Study interests, then names are assigned.

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13305 Kemper Ave
Independence, MO 64050-1512

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Every Saturday

9:45am: Bible Study

11:00am: Worship Service

1:00pm: Intercessory Prayer Ministry

1:00pm: Homeless Ministry

1:00pm: Bible Correspondence School

Every Third Saturday

1:00pm: Fellowship Meal


6:30pm: Small Groups